Entries by office_admin

We are Hiring!! Housing Overdose Prevention and Peer Services: Site Lead

Peers Victoria is grassroots agency that has been working with, and for, Victoria sex workers since 1995. Through direct service delivery and partnerships, Peers provides an array of outreach, harm reduction, group education and other support services. We maintain a welcoming and accessible service environment that promotes empowerment of current and former sex workers.  In […]

We are Hiring!! Housing Overdose Prevention and Peers Services Program Manager

Housing Overdose Prevention and Peers Services Program Manager Peers Victoria is grassroots agency that has been working with, and for, Victoria sex workers since 1995. Through direct service delivery and partnerships, Peers provides outreach, harm reduction, group education and other support services. We maintain a welcoming and accessible service environment that promotes empowerment of current […]

QomQem Tent Coordinator and Outreach Worker

Tent Coordinator and Outreach Worker QomQem Coastal Connections is a grassroots Indigenous-led outreach program that developed in partnership with Peers Victoria Resources Society. We offer harm reduction and health care services to Indigenous peoples who are unhoused, precariously housed, and who may be using substances and/or alcohol. As a team that celebrates diversity, we welcome […]

We are hiring!! Housing Support Worker 

Housing Support Worker  Peers Victoria is a grassroots agency that has been working providing support services to people in the sex industry since 1995. Through direct service delivery and partnerships, Peers provides outreach, harm reduction, and drop-in services, as well as wellness workshops, housing support, and social justice leadership concerning sex workers rights, primarily in […]

Indigenous Housing and Gender-Based Violence Support Worker

Peers Victoria is a peer based, grass roots organization for people in sex work or trade on Lekwungen territory. Through direct service delivery and partnerships, Peers provides outreach and drop-in support services, advocacy and public education, with a focus on current and former sex workers. This position would be affiliated with the QomQem Coastal Connections […]

Tent Coordinator for QomQem

QomQem Coastal Connections is a grassroots Indigenous-led outreach program that developed in partnership with Peers Victoria Resources Society. We offer harm reduction and health care services to Indigenous peoples who are unhoused, precariously housed, and who may be using substances and/or alcohol.  As a team that celebrates diversity, we welcome our relatives and allies from diverse backgrounds, sexualities, genders, […]