Members of the Peers Community Write Personal Narratives

In response to the debate surrounding C36 which reduced the complexity and diversity of sex workers’ experiences to polarizing stereotypes, some members of the Peers community wrote narratives for submission to members of the federal government. Narratives from Peers Victoria, Nov 5, 2014

Opinion piece by PEERS on harmful law

Across the country, sex worker support organizations including Peers Victoria are continuing their advocacy and protest to raise awareness of the harms that Canada’s new anti-sex work law poses for sex workers. Here’s Peers executive director Rachel Phillips writing about this in the Times Colonist this week.

Opinion piece by PEERS on harmful law

Across the country, sex worker support organizations including Peers Victoria are continuing their advocacy and protest to raise awareness of the harms that Canada’s new anti-sex work law poses for sex workers. Here’s Peers executive director Rachel Phillips writing about this in the Times Colonist this week.

Singalong for Sex Workers!

With Bill C-36 now through the Senate and destined to become law, we hope you’ll take heart for the next stage of the battle for equality from this little singalong recorded here in Victoria. The song was performed by musician friends of Peers Victoria who are advocates for human and civil rights for Canada’s sex workers. Enjoy! Sing! Share!

Singalong for Sex Workers!

With Bill C-36 now through the Senate and destined to become law, we hope you’ll take heart for the next stage of the battle for equality from this little singalong recorded here in Victoria. The song was performed by musician friends of Peers Victoria who are advocates for human and civil rights for Canada’s sex workers. Enjoy! Sing! Share!

Video of PEERS Decrim Event

Missed our amazing forum last month on decriminalizing the Canadian sex industry? Here’s the two-hour video from that event. Please feel free to share the link widely. Thanks again to the eight informed and diverse panelists who participated in the event.