Thank you for your support. Your donation contributes to the sustainability of rights-based, sex worker-led services and supports in our community.
Donating to Peers is easy: click the button below to make your donation by credit card. You can chose a one-time or monthly donation. Please consider a monthly donation as it greatly increases Peers core sustainability. Peers Victoria Resourcea Society is a registered Canadian Charity and issues tax receipts.
Other Ways to Give
If it’s easier, you can mail your donation or set up a monthly direct deposit.
Peers Victoria — Attention Executive Director
1–744 Fairview Road
Victoria, BC V9A 5T9
Please make cheques payable to Peers Victoria Resource Society.
Direct Deposit: Please print and fill out the direct deposit form (PDF). You can mail it to the address above [Attention Finance].
Leave a Legacy: Thank you for considering planned giving. Your lasting legacy and compassion will ensure that Peers Victoria programs will continue to ensure the safety and health of Greater Victoria sex workers as we move forward into the future.
If you have questions about leaving a legacy, please contact us.
Thank you for your generosity!