Out of Harm’s Way: Insight, Innovation and Action on the Toxic Drug Crisis

From left to right: harm reduction and recovery advocate Guy Felicella, former BC chief coroner Lisa Lapointe, DJ Larkin of Canadian Drug Policy Coalition, Lacey Jones of FNHA, Leslie McBain of Moms Stop the Harm, former provincial health officer Dr Perry Kendall

The first event in our series on BC’s toxic drug crisis took place Jan. 29 in front of an audience of more than 200 people. Our next event is Feb. 26, and will bring together local service providers to talk about the bright spots, challenges and hopes for further action on the toxic drug crisis.

The day will also feature an expert dialogue on the evidence for the services being provided – and the evidence for interventions that we know are needed but aren’t happening.

Join us Feb. 26 for dialogue on the following topics:

  • Addiction medicine
  • Safer supply
  • Witnessed consumption
  • Resident responder training programs
  • Indigenous approaches to harm reduction
  • Pathways to recovery
  • Evidence for (and against) BC’s interventions in the toxic drug crisis

Agenda – Feb 26 event

News release Feb 26 Peers Victoria speaker series

The panel in the photo above, featuring some of BC’s longest standing advocates and activists on this issue, brought valuable context and history to the crisis at our opening event Jan. 29, which has killed more than 21,000 people since the Government of BC declared a state of emergency in 2016.

Full video recording of Jan. 29 event

Victoria News story on Jan. 29 event

All events are at First Metropolitan Church sanctuary at the corner of Quadra and Balmoral streets, and are free and open to the public.

Please join us for these important conversations! Thank you to the First Nations Health Authority for the development of this graphic, All Paths Lead to Wellness. First Nations people make up 3.4 per cent of the BC population, but 17.8 per cent of its toxic drug deaths.

Fact sheet on toxic drug crisis

Loved Ones Lost – video of images of some 300 people who have died in BC’s toxic drug crisis, shared with permission of Moms Stop the Harm

Unregulated Drug Poisoning Emergency Dashboard (BC Centre for Disease Control)

News Release – Out of Harm’s Way speaker series – Jan. 29