What are Bad Date/Aggressor Reports?

Anonymous reports sharing information to prevent violence against sex workers in and around Victoria, BC, Canada (Songhees and Esquimalt Territory).

Filling out the online report

Only have a few minutes? Fill out fields with red astericks (*). This will take less than 5 minutes. 

Feeling overwhelmed? We will do it for you.

Call, text, or leave a message: 250–744-7690 (M‑Th, 10 am — 4 pm)

Email us: prevention.lead@peers.bc.ca or prevention2@peers.bc.ca

In person: Drop-in hours are Tues, Weds, Thurs, 11:30 am — 2:30 pm

Need help now?

Please call the Vancouver Island Crisis Line: 1–888-494‑3888


Review Past ReportsMake a Report Online now



What qualifies as a bad date?

Anything that happens during a date that you wouldn’t want anyone else to experience. It can be:

  • People who creep you out
  • People who waste your time
  • People who rip you off
  • Assault
  • People who talk about harming others
  • Threats, harrassment, stalking
  • Removing a condom
  • People who give you a bad gut feeling  …and any other behaviour that makes you feel unsafe or uneasy.

Are reports confidential?

Yes, all reports are anonymous and any contact information you provide is completely confidential. We will never share your personal contact information with anyone without your explicit consent to do so. Your contact information will automatically be deleted from your report within 7 days after you report.

What information will be shared with others?

We do not share any of your personal information. The information we share is: date/location, incident type, what happened, and details about the aggressor.

Who has access to reports?

BDARs are sent to other sex workers, health and social services providers, and our VicPD Liaison Officer. Our online BDAR archive is password protected.

I need support. Where can I get it?

On the last page of the reporting form there is a space to leave your contact info for Peers. You can also call/email us at: 250–388-5323 ext. 101 and/or prevention2@peers.bc.ca. We will get back to you as soon as possible. Your contact information will not be linked to your report.